
7 Strategies for optimising your email marketing automation

26 January 2014 | by Vourneen Taylor

3 min

Maybe you thought email marketing automation would solve the worlds marketing problems?

It would end the hassle of remembering to send out all those pesky follow up emails to the right people at the right time. That somehow this marketing automation software you just persuaded your boss to invest in would finally do everything for you. That once you created a miraculous recipe you could sit back drink coffee and watch the leads roll in? until ....they didn’t? 

Well, all is not lost folks I have compiled a list of effective optimization strategies to help you make the most out of your marketing automation campaigns.


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The 5 keys to streamlining your inbound marketing goals in 2018

12 January 2014 | by Vourneen Taylor

3 min

This is the time of year when annual marketing plans are put in place, your inbound marketing goals are defined, and timelines are structured. 

As a marketer your focus can be spread accross many different areas. Your manager wants you to produce more ROI metrics on your monthly report, your monthly email newsletter is due and you havn't got sign off yet, you need to produce content for your blog and the social channels need updating.

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Hubspot Open Evening Come Say Hello!

24 November 2013 | by Vourneen Taylor

1 min

We are having a recruitment evening at our offices in Dublin. It is open to anyone who is interested in learning more about how to build a successful sales career in a fast paced, hyper-growth tech company. Jeetu Mahtani MD and Lesley Collins EMEA Sales Manager will be sharing their personal experiences of advancing their own career paths.

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What is Negative SEO and how to avoid it

21 November 2013 | by Vourneen Taylor

2 min

I came across this term during the week when a colleague discussed a scenario a client was having. He had received thousands of spammy links to his site and he had no idea where they came from. It is such a nasty activity. I am always amazed that people bother to put in so much effort in negative activities. If they just did the reverse and used that time, energy and resources to focus on positive actions they would be in a far better position. The good news it that his is only impacting a tiny amount of websites. It is highly unlikely any small to medium business will be affected by this. However, someone in a highly competitive niche area may be affected. All things considered, it is probably good to know how to recognise if it is happening to your site and how to prevent it.

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Getting my Caffeine Kicks at Hubspot

3 November 2013 | by Vourneen Taylor

1 min

After an intensive recruitment process I started as an Inbound Marketing Consultant at the international office of Hubspot in Dublin. The past few weeks have entailed a cocktail of extensive product training, role plays, presentations and meetings with colleagues. Yesterday, I flew to Boston for 2 weeks of further induction and training with some other new starters from the office.

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Questions to ask before writing a blog post for your business

12 August 2013 | by Vourneen Taylor

1 min

So you have a burning desire to write a brilliant blog post for your business, you hit the publish now button and then realise that you forgot to include a link or could have done a better job on the title.

Sound familiar?

Often you're excited by an idea and rush to get it published. Perhaps you are so short on time trying to write your content you loose track of the bigger picture.

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